Positions in the
School of Particles and Accelerators
The School of Particles and Accelerators at IPM invites application from young scientists for faculty and post doctoral positions in high Energy Particle Physics and Accelerators Physics.
The faculty positions are tenure track and the applicant is expected to have sufficient experience in related areas. The postdoctoral positions are for two years extendable to three years.
The work in Particles Physics consists of experimental work in collaboration with the CMS experiment of CERN and theoretical high energy particle physics oriented towards phenomenology.
The work in Accelerators Physics consists of research in theoretical and experimental aspects of accelerator physics in collaboration with national accelerator project.
The scientific council of the school shall review the applications in two occasions, end of June for those beginning their work in September-October and end of November for these beginning the work in March – April.
Deadlines for the application to be reviewed in June are June 1st, and for these in Nov is Nov 1st.
Applicants should prepare a covering letter providing the names of three scientists as referees who are well familiar with their research, and the following documents as PDF files.
a CV, a publication list , and the research plans.
The files must be emailed to particles@ipm .ir, with the subject field “Application for postdoctoral position “or “Application for Faculty position”.