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291. M. Hajihashemi and A. Shirzad,
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Code: IPM/P.A-522    
292. S. M. Moosavi Nejad and A. Armat,
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293. A. Armat and S. M. Moosavi Nejad,
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294. A. Akhavan, M. Alishahiha, A. Naseh and H. Zolfi,
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295. R. Fareghbal , A. Naseh and Sh. Rouhani,
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296. J. Ebadi, F. Elahi, M. Khatiri and M. Mohammadi Najafabadi,
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297. M. Malekhosseini, M. Ghominejad, H. Khanpour and M. Mohammadi Najafabadi,
Constraining top quark flavor violation and dipole moments through three and four-top quark productions at the LHC,
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298. S. M. Moosavi Nejad and E. Tajik ,
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Code: IPM/P.A-509    
299. V. Amoozegar, B. Boghrati, H. Ghasemy, S. Malmir, M. Mohammadi Najafabadi and CMS RPC Collaboration. ,
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Code: IPM/P.A-507    
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300. V. Amoozegar, B. Boghrati, H. Ghasemy, S. Malmir, M. Mohammadi Najafabadi and CMS RPC Collaboration. ,
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Code: IPM/P.A-506    
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